You are so much stronger than you think.
You have accomplished so many freaking things in your life.
It’s amazing.
You have overcome so many obstacles and done so many things that you didn’t even know you could.

And you’ve forgotten that.
You’ve forgotten that you know how to make the hard choice.
You know how to do the things YOU need to do to get what YOU want.
Because that’s what you do.
We have things in life that we want to go after, and I know you have goals that you want go after, but it’s hard.
It’s easier to make excuses.
It’s easier to put other people first because for some reason we think that we don’t deserve time, energy, relaxation, whatever it is.
You gotta stop.
You have to realize that in order to reach your potential, you have to do what you need to do.
So do it.
Stop making the excuses.
We’re always going to have them.
Channel that inner badass.

Remember the things that you have accomplished, the things that you have done.
Pull them up in your mind.
Get yourself hyped.
Because you can do this.
You can go after your goals and exceed what you expect.
I know you can.
Deep down there’s a piece of you that knows you can so listen to that voice.
DO NOT listen to the punk who’s telling you that you can’t, that it’s easier not to because yes, it is easier not to. It’s easier to sit and watch life pass you by,
but that is not going to get you what you want.
So remember what it is that you want.
Remember all of the times that you have overcome kicked and remember your true potential.
I know you got this.
Journaling Prompts
- What have you accomplished in the last 5 years? Home, parenting, work, relationships, personal growth, etc.
- What are some obstacles you’ve overcome in the last year? Three years? 10 years?
- What have you done that’s left you like ‘oh damn, I really pulled that off!!’
- When was the last time you had to make a hard choice? What did you choose? How did that decision make you feel?
- What are your goals right now? What are you chasing? Going after?
- What excuses/stories do you tell yourself as to why you aren’t achieving what you want?
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