
Experience More Joy

June 24, 2024

Do more of what brings you joy in life.

Here’s your pep talk for the week. 

Life is meant to be lived. 

Life is meant to be enjoyed. 

You should love what you are doing, or at least the bulk of the time. 

The things that you do in your life should make you happy. They should make you feel full of joy and excitement and vibrancy. 

If you find yourself doing too many things that you hate, that’s not what life is about. Life is too short and we only have this one. So you gotta make the most of it. 

What are you gonna do? 

Grind it out and just spend so much time doing things that make you miserable. So what if you’re not taking care of yourself? If you’re not doing the things that you need to do, what are your older years going to be like? Like you gotta do the things that make you happy.

You have to find the joy and your life. 

And if you aren’t, then something needs to change. 

What things can you change? 

I understand that sometimes we take on a lot of things, and so maybe you’re in a season where you can’t, but look for something to let go and look for the things that light you up. 

What parts of your day light you up? 

Maybe you need to look at your boundaries. 

Are you allowing people to take advantage of you? 

Do people know you as the go-to person who’s always going to say yes? Why? I guarantee you half of those people would not return the favor. So why are you wasting your time? 

Who is important to you? Who are the ones that are gonna be there for you? 

That’s who you spend your time with. Those are the people who are gonna light you up. 

They’re the people who are gonna bring you joy. So why aren’t you spending more time with them? Why aren’t you saying no, so you can say yes? 

You have to stop getting through life.

You have to stop looking at life as just like whatever. Life is meant to bring us joy. It is meant to light us up. It is meant to be something amazing. And it’s not always going to be amazing. There are going to be hard times, there are going to be struggles, but that helps us appreciate what  we have. 

And if you know at the end of the day that everything is working FOR you and that you are going to come out on top, it puts a whole different shift on things. So know that everything is working in your favor. You may have some lessons you have to learn, but look for what brings you joy. 

Pay attention to the moments that light you up and figure out what you can say no to. That way you can say yes to the people and the things that truly bring you joy. 

Journal Prompts:

  1. What brings you joy?
  2. What are you doing in your days that drain your energy?
  3. What are the things you want to say yes to more often?
  4. What can you say no to, to make room for the yes’s? 
  5. Who in your life lights you up? How can you spend more time with them?
  6. Who in your life drains you? How can you spend less time with them OR if that’s impossible, how you can you shift your perspective to help them help you appreciate your life more?

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